Intro #
Row-Level Security (RLS) is a PostgreSQL mechanism that lets us implement authorization policies and pre-conditions over which rows in a table a user can insert/read/modify/delete. It is meant to complement other authorization and security measures such as the roles & privileges system rather than replace them entirely.
In this post, I’ll be going over how RLS works, various caveats and how you can go about implementing it.
Demo Database #
For the sake of demonstration I’ll be using the database from the pgexercises SQL tutorial site. It’s “for a newly created country club, with a set of members, facilities such as tennis courts, and booking history for those facilities”. The database consists of 3 tables:
The members
create table members (
memid integer primary key,
surname varchar(200) not null,
firstname varchar(200) not null,
address varchar(300) not null,
zipcode integer not null,
telephone varchar(20) not null,
recommendedby integer references members(memid) on delete set null,
joindate timestamp without time zone not null
The facilities
table which holds all the amenities the club has to offer:
create table facilities (
facid integer primary key,
name varchar(100) not null,
membercost numeric not null,
guestcost numeric not null,
initialoutlay numeric not null,
monthlymaintenance numeric not null
And the bookings
create table bookings (
bookid integer primary key,
facid integer not null references facilities(facid),
memid integer not null references members(memid),
starttime timestamp without time zone not null,
slots integer not null
Authorization Strategy #
There will be two kinds of people that will access the database: the admin and club members. The admin will have no restrictions. As for the members, we want to limit what each can do. Let’s go over the restrictions table by table
For the members table:
- A member can only read their own membership details OR membership details for the members they directly recommended to join the club
- A member can only modify their own membership details, they are not allowed to touch any other members’ details
- The only fields a member can modify are the
fields - the rest have to handled by admin - A member cannot insert new members nor delete any current member including themselves, this will be handled by the admin
For the facilities table:
- A member can read all the facilities available
- A member cannot insert/modify/delete any facility
For the bookings table:
- A member can only read their own bookings. They should not be able to read bookings made by other members.
- A member can insert/modify/delete a new booking as long as that booking has their membership ID and it’s set in the future.
- When modifying a booking, the only fields a member is allowed to change are
RLS by itself cannot be used to implement all these restrictions, we will start with Postgres’ roles/privileges system then bring in RLS:
Roles & Privileges #
There is an admin superuser already setup. The admin role created and owns the database. Each member will have separate user roles that they can use to login in and access the database. The admin will create each member’s roles as part of onboarding.
Rather than grant privileges one-by-one to each member, we’ll create a group
role, member_access
, which will hold all the privileges - permissions given
to members. From there, whenever a member role is added to member_access
, it
will inherit all the requisite privileges.
Here is member_access
create role member_access; -- no login
We’ll need to give member_access
permission to access all the objects held
within the database’s main schema, cd
. Usually, this is not a permission we
think much of when creating roles since if we’re using the public
(which is the default schema) then it is already configured to grant usage and
modification permission to all roles. However, given that we’re using a
non-default schema, we’ll have to grant usage
to the member_access
otherwise members will not be able to view any of the tables:
grant usage on schema cd to member_access;
A member can view all the facilities available, but they cannot modify any:
grant select on cd.facilities to member_access;
A member can view or update membership details (in the cd.members
table) but
can’t add new members or make any deletions. The updates a member can make are
limited to the address
, zipcode
and telephone
grant select on cd.members to member_access;
grant update (address,zipcode,telephone) on cd.members to member_access;
Above, we can see where the roles & privileges system works best and where RLS
works best and how both can complement each other: while we can use the roles &
privileges system to limit which columns can be modified, we can’t use it to
prevent one member from modifying another member’s details - in order to
implement the latter, we’ll have to use row-level security. Let’s proceed to the
last table, bookings
A member can select, update, delete or insert a booking (again, we’ll tighten what exactly a member can do with RLS):
grant select, insert, update(facid,starttime, slots), delete
on cd.bookings to member_access;
Now let’s create an actual member and add them to the member_access
Note, each member name will have the format member_
+ member ID.
create role member_2 with login password 'super_secret_password';
grant member_access to member_2;
alter role member_2 set search_path to cd;
RLS on the Members Table #
We’ll start with the members
table then the bookings
table. For the
table, we’ve already achieved all the authorization goals by
granting members only the ability to select from the table and nothing else - so
we won’t be enabling RLS on that table.
On the members
table, RLS is enabled as follows:
alter table members enable row level security;
In a separate session, we can log in as member_2
. The first observation is
that member_2
can’t see any row from members
after RLS is enabled:
member_2@club=> select * from members;
memid │ surname │ firstname │ address │ zipcode │ telephone │ recommendedby │ joindate
(0 rows)
After enabling RLS on a table, we have to specify a policy. The policy is
evaluated for each row we’re selecting (or modifying) and if the policy returns
true, upstream operators can access the row, otherwise if false is returned, the
row is filtered out. Without any policy present, Postgres opts for a
policy which means that false is returned for every row.
Let’s add a policy:
First, a member should be able to read their own membership details:
create policy member_self_read_policy
on cd.members
for select
using ('member_'|| memid = current_user);
is a Postgres function that returns the currently logged-in DB
If we run it as member_2
we get:
member_2@club=> select current_user;
With the above policy in place, member 2 can now read their own details
member_2@club=> select memid, firstname, surname from members;
memid │ firstname │ surname
2 │ Tracy │ Smith
(1 row)
Additionally, we want members to be able to read the details of other members whom they recommended to join the club. Luckily, Postgres let’s us apply more than one policy to a table:
create policy member_recs_read_policy
on cd.members
for select
using ('member_'|| recommendedby = current_user);
Now member 2 can see also read details of all the members she recommended:
member_2@club=> select memid, firstname, surname, recommendedby from members;
memid │ firstname │ surname │ recommendedby
29 │ Henry │ Worthington-Smyth │ 2
30 │ Millicent │ Purview │ 2
36 │ Erica │ Crumpet │ 2
2 │ Tracy │ Smith │ ¤
(4 rows)
Permissive & Restrictive Policies #
Postgres has two ways of combining policies whenever they apply to the same query:
- as
- as
With permissive, policies are combined using logical or
, that is if a row is
not cleared using policy 1, we check policy 2 and so on until it’s cleared by at
least one policy. Otherwise it is filtered out. On the other hand, with
restrictive, policies are combined using logical and
, that is a row must be
cleared by all the restrictive policies present on the table - if it fails at
least one restrictive policy, then it’s filtered out. Policies default to
permissive unless specified otherwise, which is what we’ve got with the two
policies above
Alternatively, we could have rewritten the two policies as a single policy:
create policy member_read_policy
on cd.members for select using
(('member_'|| memid = current_user) or ('member_'|| recommendedby = current_user))
Lest we forget, let’s also add the policy on updates: a member should only be allowed to update their own details and no one elses:
create policy member_update_policy
on cd.members for update
using ('member_'|| memid = current_user)
This now works:
member_2@club=> update members set telephone='445-445-4445' where memid=2;
We can even leave out the where
clause since RLS will ensure the update only
applies to the member’s own row:
member_2@club=> update members set telephone='333-333-3332';
member_2@club=> select memid, telephone from members where memid = 2;
memid │ telephone
2 │ 333-333-3332
(1 row)
RLS on the Bookings Table #
Now, for the bookings
alter table cd.bookings enable row level security
The first policy we’ll create on bookings
is that all the rows a member
selects/updates/deletes/inserts have to have that member’s ID:
create policy bookings_gen_policy on cd.bookings
as permissive for all
using ('member_'|| memid = current_user)
Since it’s a permissive policy, it lets us add restrictive policies down the
line (those require us to have at least one permissive policy setup on the
table). In fact, let’s go right ahead and add one. We don’t want members to
‘change’ the past, only the future. That is, a member can only
modify/delete/insert a booking if the start time of that booking is >= now()
Usually I’d implement this using both constraints and triggers but let’s see how
to do it with RLS:
create policy bookings_del_policy on cd.bookings
as restrictive for delete
using (starttime > now());
create policy bookings_upd_policy on cd.bookings
as restrictive for update
with check (starttime > now());
create policy bookings_ins_policy on cd.bookings
as restrictive for insert
with check (starttime > now());
With Check Clause for Inserts & Updates #
The policies above ensure that a member cannot ‘change’ the past. It’s worth
noting the usage of with check
in bookings_ins_policy
From the docs, the check expression:
will be used in INSERT and UPDATE queries against the table if row-level security is enabled. Only rows for which the expression evaluates to true will be allowed. An error will be thrown if the expression evaluates to false or null for any of the records inserted or any of the records that result from the update. Note that the check_expression is evaluated against the proposed new contents of the row, not the original contents.
On the other hand, with using:
This expression will be added to queries that refer to the table if row-level security is enabled. Rows for which the expression returns true will be visible. Any rows for which the expression returns false or null will not be visible to the user (in a SELECT), and will not be available for modification (in an UPDATE or DELETE). Such rows are silently suppressed; no error is reported.
Also, all the new policies are restrictive. This means for example when we
insert a row as member_2
, the expression
('member_'|| memid = current_user) AND (starttime > now())
will be ran against
the new row and if the expression returns true, that row will be allowed,
otherwise we’ll get an error. If bookings_ins_policy
was permissive, the
expression would instead be:
('member_'|| memid = current_user) OR (starttime > now())
. This means a member
could create a booking in the “past” OR they could even insert a booking on
behalf of another member since only one of the disjuncts has to evaluate to True
for the entire expression to be True. By the way, whenever we don’t specify a
with check
expression, the using
expression is used in place of the
check expression
. So the bookings_gen_policy
is effectively as follows:
create policy bookings_gen_policy on cd.bookings
as permissive for all
using ('member_'|| memid = current_user)
with check ('member_'|| memid = current_user)
Additionally, instead of having 4 different policies on bookings
, we could
simplify them down to 2:
create policy bookings_gen_policy on cd.bookings
as permissive for all
using ('member_'|| memid = current_user)
with check (('member_'|| memid = current_user) and (starttime > now()));
create policy bookings_del_policy on cd.bookings
as restrictive for delete
using (starttime > now());
RLS with Session/Local Variables #
Now, unless all the members of our club are DB experts and are comfortable accessing their information directly from Postgres, we’ll need some way of mapping web/app sessions to DB member IDs for RLS authorization.
One way is to still keep the roles for each member and right before running a query on behalf of a member, we switch to their role, execute the query, then switch back to a base role. For example, suppose member 20 wants to book the Squash Court tomorrow:
set role member_20;
insert into bookings(facid, memid, starttime, slots)
values (6, 20, now() + '1 day'::interval, 4) returning bookid;
reset role;
Alternatively, we could use session variables and avoid having to create a role
for each member. We’ll still keep the member_access
role and give it login
alter role member_access with login password '123456';
The backend app that connects to Postgres will use member_access
when handling members’ interactions with the club’s system.
Let’s review PG variables a bit before applying them to RLS.
Postgres let’s us read and write variables:
set = 'bar';
To retrieve the value, we use current_setting
select current_setting('')
-- bar
The current_setting
function gives us a clue that PG’s variable system is
primarily meant for runtime configuration rather than general querying, we’re
just being creative with our usage.
If no value is set for a given variable name, we get an error:
admin@club=# select current_setting('app.quz');
ERROR: 42704: unrecognized configuration parameter "app.quz"
LOCATION: find_option, guc.c:1278
has an optional parameter missing_ok
which if set to true
the error is suppressed and null
is returned instead:
admin@club=# select current_setting('app.quz', true);
(1 row)
admin@club=# select current_setting('app.quz', true) is null;
(1 row)
Variables can also be scoped to transactions via the local
keyword. This is
great since it prevents leaking - the variable is cleared after the transaction
and the next query can’t access/modify data they weren’t supposed to:
set local app.member_name = 'Alice';
select current_setting('app.member_name', true);
select current_setting('app.member_name', true) is null;
-- t
Refactoring, Internal IDs & External IDs #
Before switching over to local variables, let’s make a key change in the schema. Since member IDs are auto-incrementing primary keys, it’s considered best practice to avoid exposing them in external APIs. Therefore, we’ll use UUIDs as the external member IDs i.e. the ones the rest of the world can ‘see’:
create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
alter table cd.members
add column ext_memid uuid not null default uuid_generate_v4();
Next, we’ll rewrite our policies to use the external IDs rather than the roles.
Let’s start with member_read_policy
drop policy member_read_policy on cd.members;
create policy member_read_policy on cd.members for select
using (
(ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid)
(select m2.ext_memid = current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true)::uuid
from members m2 where m2.memid = recommendedby)
RLS, Infinite Recursion & Security Definer Functions #
Though we can create the above policy without any error, if we attempt to run a select query, we’ll get the following error:
psql:admin.sql:14: ERROR: 42P17: infinite recursion detected in policy for relation "members"
LOCATION: fireRIRrules, rewriteHandler.c:2247
We’ve got two basic solution we can apply:
- denormalization
- use a security definer function that sidesteps the RLS check
With denormalization, we would have to add a recommendedby_xid
alter table cd.members
add column recommendedby_xid uuid;
update cd.members
set recommendedby_xid = (
select ext_memid
from cd.members mr
where mr.memid = cd.members.recommendedby
And then the policy doesn’t have to invoke a subquery:
create policy member_read_policy on cd.members for select
using (
(ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid)
(recommendedby_xid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid)
However, let’s proceed with the second solution: using a security definer
function. These are functions that execute with the privileges of the owner
) rather than the invoker (member_access
). Since admin
can bypass
RLS, we won’t end up with infinite recursion policy checks. The function is as
create or replace function cd.get_recommender_ext_memid(recommendedby_id integer)
returns uuid
language sql
security definer
as $$
select ext_memid
from cd.members
where memid = recommendedby_id
alter function cd.get_recommender_ext_memid(integer) owner to admin;
grant execute on function cd.get_recommender_ext_memid(integer) to member_access;
We can now use it in the policy definition:
create policy member_read_policy
on cd.members for select
using (
(ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid)
(cd.get_recommender_ext_memid(recommendedby) = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid)
Bringing It All Together: RLS, External IDs and Local Variables #
Let’s also update the member_update_policy
create policy member_update_policy
on cd.members for update
using (ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid);
For some example usage:
set role member_access;
set local auth.mem_xid = '807ea0dc-1361-4536-8837-cc7a0275c14c'; -- member 2
update cd.members
set telephone = '222-222-2222'
where memid = 2;
select memid, recommendedby, telephone from members;
We’re not quite done yet, we’ve also got to handle the policies on the
table. bookings_del_policy
will remain as is:
create policy bookings_del_policy on cd.bookings
as restrictive for delete
using (starttime > now());
As for bookings_gen_policy
, we’ll have to update it.
drop policy bookings_gen_policy on cd.bookings;
For the bookings
table, we could use a subquery to retrieve the associated
create policy bookings_gen_policy on cd.bookings
as permissive for all
using (
select ext_memid from cd.members m
where m.memid = cd.bookings.memid
) = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid
with check (
select ext_memid from cd.members m
where m.memid = cd.bookings.memid
) = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid
and (starttime > now())
Or we could opt for denormalization:
alter table cd.bookings add column ext_memid UUID;
update cd.bookings
set ext_memid = (
select ext_memid
from cd.members
where cd.members.memid = cd.bookings.memid
alter table cd.bookings alter column ext_memid set not null;
Then define the policy as follows:
create policy bookings_gen_policy on cd.bookings
as permissive for all
using ( ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid)
with check (
ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid
and (starttime > now())
I’m tempted to go for the denormalization approach but I’ll use the former for now.
All in all, we end up with the following RLS policies:
create policy member_read_policy
on cd.members for select
using (
(ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid)
(cd.get_recommender_ext_memid(recommendedby) = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid)
create policy member_update_policy
on cd.members for update
using (ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid);
create policy bookings_gen_policy on cd.bookings
as permissive for all
using (
select ext_memid from cd.members m
where m.memid = cd.bookings.memid
) = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid
with check (
select ext_memid from cd.members m
where m.memid = cd.bookings.memid
) = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid
and (starttime > now())
create policy bookings_del_policy on cd.bookings
as restrictive for delete
using (starttime > now());
We now have external IDs that we can expose to the outside world and all our policies use these IDs for authorization via local variables.
As an example, suppose we’re using JWTs and member 2 has been authenticated and provided with a token that encodes the following payload:
"sub": "807ea0dc-1361-4536-8837-cc7a0275c14c",
"exp": 1735554932
The sub
field holds member 2’s external ID.
With every operation member 2 invokes, they have to send the following token:
Suppose member 2 wants to retrieve all the bookings she has ever made. Here’s how we’d implement the handler in python:
import os
import psycopg2
import jwt
secret_key = os.getenv("JWT_SECRET_KEY")
pg_url = os.getenv("PG_URL")
conn = psycopg2.connect(pg_url)
def get_bookings(conn, token):
decoded = jwt.decode(token, secret_key, algorithms=["HS256"])
member_uuid = decoded["sub"]
bookings = None
with conn: # tx context
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("set local auth.mem_xid=%s", (member_uuid,))
select memid, bookid,, starttime
from cd.bookings b
join cd.facilities f using(facid)
order by starttime desc
bookings = cur.fetchall()
return bookings
If we push the jwt decoding and validation step into Postgres and switch from using symmetric keys to asymmetric keys via JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) then we end up with something quite close to what Neon provides via Neon Authorize.
View Permissions, Security Invoker Views and RLS #
Suppose we want to create a view that holds a facilities plus the amount of money a member spent booking those facilities:
Suppose we want to create a view that holds each member’s sum of payments made for bookings. We’ll do so as admin:
create view member_costs as
sum(f.membercost * b.slots) as cost
from cd.bookings b
join cd.facilities f using (facid)
group by memid
We’ll also have to grant select to member_access
grant select on member_costs to member_access;
Let’s select from this view as member 2:
set session auth.mem_xid = '807ea0dc-1361-4536-8837-cc7a0275c14c'; -- member 2
select * from member_costs;
We get:
memid │ cost
29 │ 70
4 │ 1490.0
0 │ 30486.0
8 │ 3644.0
(30 rows)
Not ideal, we’re leaking all the other members’ costs.
What’s happening here is that views have owners (in our case admin
) and when
reads from that view, Postgres uses the owner to check what
permissions the view should be evaluated with. admin
can bypass RLS therefore
uses the view to effectively bypass RLS.
Fear not, Postgres provides security_invoker
views that ensure the permissions
used to evaluate the views are those of the role accessing the view rather than
the owner. Let’s configure it as admin:
alter view member_costs set (security_invoker = on);
Now, if we run the previous query, we only get the authorized member’s costs:
member_access@club=> select * from member_costs;
memid │ cost
2 │ 957.0
(1 row)
We can also configure security_invoker
during the view definition:
create view member_costs
with (security_invoker=true) as
select memid, sum(f.membercost * b.slots) as cost
from cd.bookings b
join cd.facilities f using (facid)
group by memid;
grant select on member_costs to member_access;
For more details on security invoker views, check out:
- Postgres Docs: Views and the Rule System
- Cybertec: View permissions and row-level security in PostgreSQL - Laurenz Albe
Optimizing Row Level Security #
Let’s finish off with one key implementation detail - performance. Granted, our dataset is currently small and we might cost along without bothering too much with how long queries take to execute, but it’s still worth considering.
There are two general approaches we can use when optimizing RLS:
- Call functions with select so that the result is cached for the entire query rather than getting evaluated for each row
- Index columns used for evaluating RLS
Suppose we revisit our authorization policy for the members
table and want to
limit members solely to their own details and cut off access to those of members
they recommended:
-- check to see cd is the first schema in our search_path
show search_path;
-- drop previous policy
drop policy member_read_policy on members;
-- drop function to retrieve member uuid since we don't need it any more as the
-- policy it was being used for is deleted
drop function get_recommender_ext_memid;
-- add new policy
create policy member_read_policy
on members for select
using (ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true))::uuid);
Some test data won’t hurt, we’ll delete it later:
insert into members (memid, surname, firstname, address, zipcode, telephone, joindate)
with max_id as (
select coalesce(max(memid), 0) as max_id from members
max_id + gs.memid,
'surname_' || gs.memid as surname,
'firstname_' || gs.memid as firstname,
'address_' || gs.memid as address,
10000 + gs.memid as zipcode,
'777' || gs.memid::text as telephone,
now() as joindate
max_id, generate_series(1, 250000) as gs(memid);
Let’s run the following query as member_access
set session auth.mem_xid = '807ea0dc-1361-4536-8837-cc7a0275c14c'; -- member 2
explain (analyze, buffers)
select memid, firstname, surname from members;
This query has the following plan:
Gather (cost=1000.00..11077.69 rows=1 width=34) (actual time=0.239..53.892 rows=1 loops=1)
Workers Planned: 2
Workers Launched: 2
Buffers: shared hit=7994
-> Parallel Seq Scan on members (cost=0.00..10077.59 rows=1 width=34) (actual time=31.565..48.504 rows=0 loops=3)
Filter: (ext_memid = (current_setting('auth.mem_xid'::text, true))::uuid)
Rows Removed by Filter: 83343
Buffers: shared hit=7994
Planning Time: 0.085 ms
Execution Time: 53.913 ms
Let’s apply both optimization strategies. First, notice that the
is being invoked for each row. If we rewrite the policy as
create policy member_read_policy
on members for select
using (ext_memid = (select current_setting('auth.mem_xid', true)::uuid));
then we get the following plan:
Gather (cost=1000.02..10296.36 rows=1 width=34) (actual time=0.355..14.570 rows=1 loops=1)
Workers Planned: 2
Workers Launched: 2
Buffers: shared hit=7994
InitPlan 1
-> Result (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.003..0.004 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Parallel Seq Scan on members (cost=0.00..9296.24 rows=1 width=34) (actual time=5.505..9.372 rows=0 loops=3)
Filter: (ext_memid = (InitPlan 1).col1)
Rows Removed by Filter: 83343
Buffers: shared hit=7994
Buffers: shared hit=5
Planning Time: 0.090 ms
Execution Time: 14.591 ms
Notice that we’re caching the invocation of current_setting
in InitPlan 1
and its conversion from text
to uuid
. This gives us a speed up of 3.69.
We’ve still got the sequential scan. Let’s add an index on the ext_memid
column which we’re using for RLS:
create index idx_members_ext_memid on members(ext_memid);
We now get the following plan:
Index Scan using idx_members_ext_memid on members (cost=0.44..8.46 rows=1 width=34) (actual time=0.108..0.111 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: (ext_memid = (InitPlan 1).col1)
Buffers: shared hit=1 read=3
InitPlan 1
-> Result (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.010..0.011 rows=1 loops=1)
Buffers: shared hit=16 read=1
Planning Time: 0.620 ms
Execution Time: 0.158 ms
Not bad (it’s now 340x faster). Reviewing and optimizing all the other policies is left as an exercise for the reader. That’s all for Row Level Security - if there’s something I missed please do reach out.
References #
- PG Docs: Row Security Policies
- PG Docs: Create Policy
- Row Level Security (RLS): Basics and Examples - Satori
- Row Level Security for Tenants in Postgres - Craig Kerstiens - Crunchy Data
- Exploring Row Level Security in PostgreSQL - pgDash
- Tips for Row Level Security (RLS) in Postgres and Supabase
- Row Level Security - Supabase