TIL you can use immutable functions in Postgres check constraints. I learnt this from Sehrope Sarkuni’s PGConfig NYC 2021 talk: “Advanced Postgres Schema Design…”.
From the Postgres docs, immutable functions:
cannot modify the database and always returns the same result when given the same argument values; that is, it does not do database lookups or otherwise use information not directly present in its argument list
When coupled with check constraints on arrays, they let us ’tighten’ the kind of values an array column can take in.
Let’s use an example; suppose we’ve got a table where we’re storing room IDs and the days of the week those rooms are available (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7):
create table room(
id int primary key,
available int[] not null
The first constraint we’ll add is that values in the array have to be within 1 and 7:
create function array_contains_valid_iso_days(int[]) returns bool
language sql immutable as
select not exists (select 1 from unnest($1) x where x < 1 or x > 7);
alter table room add constraint room_ck_valid_iso_days
check(array_contains_valid_iso_days(available) is true);
The following insertion will fail, since 8,9 and 10 don’t represent a valid day of the week:
> insert into room(id,available) values (1,'{8,9,10}');
ERROR: 23514: new row for relation "room" violates check constraint "room_ck_valid_iso_days"
DETAIL: Failing row contains (1, {8,9,10}).
CONSTRAINT NAME: room_ck_valid_iso_days
LOCATION: ExecConstraints, execMain.c:2039
This insertion will work though:
insert into room(id,available) values (1,'{{1,2},{3,4}}');
So the next constraint has to be on dimensions, entries must have only 1 dimension. After deleting the previous row (with multi-dimensional days), let’s add the following constraint:
alter table room add constraint room_ck_array_dim_1
Arrays allow for duplicate values. In our case though, it does not make sense for a day to be repeated more than once:
insert into room(id,available) values (2,'{1,2,2,2,4}');
Let’s add a constraint that ensures all values of the array are unique (there are no duplicate days of the week):
create function array_has_no_duplicates(int[]) returns bool
language sql immutable as
select count(*) = count(distinct e) from unnest($1) as e;
alter table room add constraint room_ck_no_duplicates
check(array_has_no_duplicates(available) is true);
Finally, though not necessary, we can add a constraint to ensure the values are sorted (I got this directly from Sarkuni’s slides):
create or replace function array_sort(int[]) returns int[]
language sql immutable as
select array_agg(e order by e) from unnest($1) as e
alter table room add constraint room_ck_is_sorted
check(array_sort(available) = available);